10 Guiding Steps to Growing, Harvesting, and Using Rhubarb

Rhubarb! Why is growing rhubarb important for preparedness? It’s a very tart vegetable that’s very expensive to buy.  As of this writing, at my Walmart, rhubarb is $2.48 a pound, if and when it’s in stock. When rhubarb has already been converted into a pie filling or jam/jelly, the price jumps dramatically. The problem you

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10 Things To Do Before Disaster Strikes Regarding Your Faith

Prepared!(???) You are prepared for EVERYTHING! You have food, water, wood, guns, ammo, and medications for everybody in the family for a whole year. You’ve even prepared for the pets! Your whole family is trained in what to do for every situation you can imagine and even dream of in your world. You are convinced

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