
Welcome to BePreparedAtoZ.com! It is our goal to help you with information, guidance, and wisdom that will help you live in a state of preparedness and be resourceful. We all know stuff happens! Everything from you forgot the rope for the bear bag while camping to catastrophic events like tornadoes, EMPs, or personal/regional/national financial issues and we want you to thrive through it all! We are aware that most “preppers” write articles and film videos with end of world/Zombie apocalypse events in mind. We believe that the tools learned about and used here are good for all situations regardless of severity.  

All of this information comes with a couple of promises. First, this website and blog will be clean, no foul language to mess with the kids, (we are all somebody’s kids). Comments with issues of language or that are abusive in content will be deleted. If you come across any of these issues on this site, please contact us immediately so we can fix it. Second, we will cover a wide variety of topics within the preparedness field in an effort to help everyone who comes here live life in a state of preparedness. Thanks for dropping in!


Hi, my name is Matt. A little bit about me and my background will help you get to know me little better. I have been involved in the first aid industry for over 30 years in varying capacities from first responder to instructor. I have served on search and rescue teams, a fire department, and two different disaster relief organizations.

The Event

My interest in all things preparedness took a turn in 1998 as the world neared the Y2K “Crisis.” We survived that “crisis” very comfortably at home, because even as seminary students, we prepared. Today, with shootings, lockdowns, daily closures, and a random pandemic, it is important to stay prepared. The perceived threat of imminent disaster was then and remains now at a sufficient level to drive people to prepare for the worst whether at home or away.

Lessons Learned

We learned several big lessons from the “great experiment of Y2K.” First, we learned that it takes a ton of time and energy to prepare for the worst. Second, it can be VERY expensive to prepare for a disaster or catastrophic event. Third, we learned that it is important to prepare at home first. Preparation is like an insurance policy where we hold the assets, not some 3rd party. Fourth, we learned that knowledge grows in 2 major areas. These two areas of development are: an understanding of the best supplies to use and the knowledge/skill base to use them at home during the crisis. Fifth, we learned that Faith is a critical asset.

With these lessons in mind, in this blog we will travel together toward a state of preparedness. Our common goal is to be prepared for the disasters with the greatest potential to bring harm in your region. We want to help you meet that goal in a common sense way.


I also serve as a bi-vocational pastor of a small church in Western New York. God planted us here in August of 2000 and has blessed us in many ways. I am a part-time instructor, teaching CPR and first aid. I am also a Scout leader working with Boy Scouts and the Order of the Arrow in Western New York. If you see opportunities on this website to donate or buy some product, your efforts to support this site through those opportunities would be gratefully appreciated.

Topics to Cover

We will cover a wide variety of topics including 1st aid, Do-It-Yourself skills including recipes, planning, and faith Issues to name a few. These topics will range from the bushcraft lifestyle to the center city lifestyle. We will make these topics simple enough that the kids can join in the fun. So making preparedness a family event should be easier.

We also want your input. Tell us you what information you are looking for in the preparedness field. Write us in the comments section or join our email list to communicate directly with Matt. 

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